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Data Resources

CMOP Data Center

The data center is a resource to access information about the Colombia River estuary, near plume, and the coastal margin of Oregon and Washington.

GIS Layers and Data Sets

GIS layers and databases produced through research, monitoring, and evaluation projects conducted by CRITFC staff are available on this website. Download files and metadata links provided for individual data sets. Periodically, current data sets are updated and new data sets are published.  CRITFC also has a gallery of layers and maps on Esri’s ArcGIS Online platform and can be accessed here.  User guide on how to work with the mapping applications below can be accessed here.

Limiting Factors Mapping Application

The Limiting Factors Application displays the four main factors limiting salmon distribution and abundance from the Sub Basin Plans that came out of the NW Power and Conservation Council process during the early 2000s. If your browser is having problems loading the online mapper, try a different browser. Project information and layer metadata can be accessed here.

PCSRF Project Mapping Application

The PCSRF Projects Application distinguishes tribal Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund projects by their type and location, and provides detailed reports for these projects. If your browser is having problems loading the online mapper, try a different browser. Project information and layer metadata can be accessed here.


CRITFC Intertribal Monitoring Data Project

The ITMD Project supports coordination and collaboration to develop data products and efficient strategies for Columbia Basin tribal fisheries data management efforts, and to support tribal data sovereignty. Inherent in this effort is to develop and maintain accessible, interoperable, and re-usable data products and services. The Project is the only lower Columbia data project that serves as a forum for CRITFC member tribes to coordinate and collaborate with each other as they develop best practices for data management strategies. Project members are data and GIS professionals who are partially funded by the ITMD Project and are positioned at each tribe. ITMD Project members coordinate to leverage expertise and resources as they develop:

  • Data management strategies
  • Data flow pipelines among regional and tribal data repositories
  • Innovative data collection, storage, and access techniques; and centralized database systems (CDMSs or Yakama Nation’s Information Management System/Status and Trends Annual Report-IMS/STAR). More information is available in their Five-Year Strategic Plan: 2022-2026.)



    Mark – Recapture Tag Loss Model

    The Mark-Recapture Full Likelihood Model was developed in response to questions of fisheries managers regarding how to properly process mark-recapture data obtained in studies conducted annually to estimate the abundance of salmonids. Hyun et al. (2012) developed a full likelihood model (aka MRmix) that provides robust estimates of tag loss and its uncertainty and integrates these values into the process of estimating population abundance and its variance.

CRITFC Research

CRITFC intern Solomon Trimble assessing indicator stocks within the Columbia River Basin. CRITFC has developed a comprehensive research strategy to monitor the age and stock composition of adult Pacific salmon returning to the Columbia River and has monitored the above-Bonneville Dam adult migration of salmon species since 1985.

For More Information

Denise Kelsey
Fishery Scientist/GIS and Data Mgmt & Apps Prog Manager
Portland Main Office
(503) 731-1280