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Kelt Reconditioning and Reproductive Success Evaluation Research: 2013 Annual Technical Report

Jan 1, 2014


The Kelt Reconditioning and Reproductive Success Evaluation Project is a research, monitoring, and evaluation (RM&E) category project funded through the Columbia Basin Fish Accords.   The project studies and evaluates two broad topics with respect to post-spawn steelhead, first it assesses reconditioning processes and strategies, and second, it measures reproductive success of artificially reconditioned kelt steelhead. It associates with RPAs 33 and 64 in the Federal Columbia River Power System Biological Opinion. This project focuses on reconditioning kelt stage steelhead and resolving artificial propagation critical uncertainties primarily through relative reproductive success studies. Collection of steelhead kelts occurred at the juvenile bypass facilities of Prosser and Lower Granite dams, with some additional collection also at Dworshak National Fish Hatchery. Experimental scale long-term kelt reconditioning survival data was compared from 3 locations including; the Okanogan, Snake, and Yakima rivers, where survival rates in long-term reconditioning was 8.2%, 51.8%, and 48.7% respectively. A total of 110 wild female B-run steelhead were collected at Lower Granite Dam from April to June and transported to Dworshak National Fish Hatchery for reconditioning. Fifty-seven of these fish survived reconditioning and were released downstream of Lower Granite Dam in October 2013. Additionally, 24 B-run kelt steelhead were retained for reconditioning after air spawning at Dworshak Hatchery. These fish were part of project that is developing localized broodstock for the South Fork Clearwater River. Following reconditioning 12 of these fish were released back into the South Fork Clearwater River. In total 69 wild B-run steelhead were reconditioned and released back into the Snake River system aimed at addressing RPA 33.


Doug Hatch, Ryan Branstetter, Jeff Stephenson, Andrew Pierce, Andrew Matala, John Whiteaker, Robert Lessard, L. Caldwell, Scott Everett, Bill Bosch, Ronda Dasher, Joe Blodgett, David Fast, Rebecca Johnson, Neil Graham, Laura Jenkins, Tim Cavileer, Kali Turner, James Nagler, Micheal Fiander, Chris Federickson, Jim Gidlery, Chris Brun, Bobby Begay, and Jeremiah Newell


Hatch D., R. Branstetter, J. Stephenson, A. Pierce, A. Matala, J. Whiteaker, R. Lessard, L. Caldwell, S. Everett, B. Bosch, R. Dasher, J. Blodgett, D. Fast, R. Johnson, N. Graham, L. Jenkins, T. Cavileer, K. Turner, J. Nagler, M. Fiander, C. Federickson, J. Gidlery, C. Brun, B. Begay, J. Newell. Kelt Reconditioning and Reproductive Success Evaluation Research: 2013 Annual Technical Report 14-06, 1/1/2013-12/31/2013. Bonneville Power Administration Annual Report, Contract 2007-401-00. Portland, OR. 144p.



Report No.


Media Type

CRITFC Technical Report